All in Letters to the Editor
Hurricanes are the most important stories you'll ever have in Kinston, not just because of their scope, but because people's lives are literally depending on the information you provide. By the time you decide in New Bern that maybe you ought to send a reporter up there, it will be too late.
Let me add to the list of vicious dog horror stories that exist in my community and all across this city. To start with, I want to make it clear that I do not consider all dogs that are mentioned in this article vicious.
Enough is enough. Lenoir County citizens deserve dedicated 24/7 animal control officers to protect the public from the wild dogs who terrorize our communities, kill our beloved pets and attack residents landing them in the hospital.
Yesterday I spent over 30 minutes making a doctor's appointment. When I went online to get the phone number (who has a yellow pages anymore?), I was prompted to contact the appointment clerk with a quick email. Several hours later, the clerk texted a response that included her phone number.
As a nurse leader at our local hospital, I feel compelled to call your and your readers' attention to the unacceptable volume of violence toward nurses and other healthcare workers. Patient violence toward healthcare workers, also known as Type 2 Workplace Violence, is increasingly prevalent in the healthcare setting, especially in Emergency Departments.
It is my honor and privilege to serve you over the next four years as the Lenoir County Clerk of Superior Court. I appreciate you for entrusting me with this crucial role and I promise you that I do not take that responsibility lightly.
Lenoir County Republican Party Chair Lloyd Moody submitted a Letter to the Editor about the Lenoir County Clerk of Superior Court race.
Over 100 years of history buried in one area and no one barely even remembers it or knows it is there. As a community it is our job, nay, our responsibility to look after our own heritage because if we won’t do it, then how can we charge the task to someone else and expect satisfactory results.
Dear Mr. Mayor and Town Council: I am writing in regard to the loose/wild dog problem in Lenoir County and in particular La Grange. About 2 weeks ago, my neighbor’s cat was mauled by 2 dogs we believe are owned by people who live down the street. These 2 dogs ran across my back deck late one night and nearly killed my neighbor’s cat which I tried to stop from happening
On the day City Council Member Chris Suggs’ Op-Ed appeared in Neuse News, I received no less than a dozen calls or texts from people upset about his suggestions on what the city should do with our grant money. I told them Mr. Suggs identified the right needs, but he believes in the wrong solutions.
As a retired North Carolina State Trooper with 30 years of service, I know that law enforcement careers are rewarding — but also dangerous and challenging at times. That’s one of the reasons it’s critical to provide those going into law enforcement with the peace of mind that comes with financial security when they retire. One somewhat surprising source of that financial security comes through hedge funds.
I’ve been concerned by what I believe many on both sides of the political spectrum would view as the loss of confidence in institutions at all levels of society. This loss of confidence applies to two definitions of the word; “The quality or state of being certain,” and “Faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way.”
Primary day is almost here. I just want to take time and thank everyone for their support that they have shown me in the past the present and hopefully future.
Just do what's right, not necessarily what's easy. Replace rapacity with a generous spirit. The old saying is true: "You cannot take it with you when you die."
Richard “Trey” Morgan III is a 17-year-old Kinston native and a Junior at Lenoir County Early College High School working toward his high school diploma and his Associates in Arts degree. He is also working toward becoming an Eagle Scout.