All by Jinger Jarrett

Veterans' Roundtable: Montana Artist paints rose on POW/MIA chair for Recognition Day

Artist Linda Paluka flew in from Montana to paint the third white rose on the POW/MIA chair at the G.I. Joe Living History Museum. The white roses symbolize those North Carolina servicemembers missing in action in Vietnam who have been recovered. Frederick Hall, Bynum Price, and Edward Morgan were the three servicemembers whose roses were painted on the chair. 

AmVets to Hold Ceremony for Commemoration of 9/11

AmVets Post #1111, Lenoir Emergency Services, and the Green Lamp Community Action will host the 22nd annual commemoration of 9/11 in Kinston. The event will take place at 210 W. Gordon Street in Pearson Park, September 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. This ceremony will not only pay tribute to those who died that day, but will honor our first responders, military, and veterans who serve our community daily.