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Cooking with Tammy Kelly: Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day

You don’t have to be Irish to get in on all of the fun celebrating St. Patrick’s day.   The holiday is celebrated on March 17th and began in Ireland as the feast of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, the date is the anniversary of St Patrick’s death in 461.  Irish immigrants brought the holiday to the United States and Americans were  introduced to the traditions of celebrating. 

Lesley Rigsby, RN: Plugged In

How many of you made sure before you went to bed last night that your cellphone was plugged in? Why do we do this? The answer is usually, “so it has power when I need it”. If we don’t plug in our phones, they want be much use to us.  We make it a habit to keep them plugged in at night, throughout the day, and even when we are driving in our cars.