Letter to the Editor: Mary Alphin, Lenoir County Clerk of Superior Court

Letter to the Editor: Mary Alphin, Lenoir County Clerk of Superior Court

It is my honor and privilege to serve you over the next four years as the Lenoir County Clerk of Superior Court. I appreciate you for entrusting me with this crucial role and I promise you that I do not take that responsibility lightly.

I am still in awe of all the support my family and I received during this journey. I appreciate all of the supporters that prayed on our behalf, called or sent messages with kind words or uplifting thoughts, placed signs on their property, volunteered their time and expertise, donated financial contributions, and voted for me.

The Lenoir County Clerk’s Office will have a seamless transition of leadership and our team will continue to provide the legacy of efficient, effective and professional service that you are accustomed to.

As we move forward, I continue to encourage you to reach out to me with how you feel our office is serving you.

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