Lenoir deputies complete DARE training to enhance drug prevention program — Neuse News
Lenoir deputies complete DARE training to enhance drug prevention program

Lenoir deputies complete DARE training to enhance drug prevention program

Lenoir County Sheriff Jackie Rogers and all the members of the Lenoir County Sheriff’s Office would like to congratulate Deputy Breanna McWilliams and Deputy Alyssa Wilson in their successful completion of North Carolina Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) officer training.

This training consists of two weeks of intense learning with a focus on creating lesson plans, classroom management and the tools needed to deliver this valuable training to Lenoir County students.

DARE is an officer-led evidence-based education program that teaches children from kindergarten through 12th grade how to resist peer pressure and live productive drug and violence-free lives. 

The LCSO is excited to get this program back in Lenoir County and looks forward to the impact it will have.

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