Two Junior Master Gardeners promote recycling at the Lenoir County Extension Office — Neuse News
Two Junior Master Gardeners promote recycling at the Lenoir County Extension Office

Two Junior Master Gardeners promote recycling at the Lenoir County Extension Office

Pictured from left are Marsha Lovick, Master Gardener and instructor for the JMG program;Jackson Tuller, certified JMG; Eli Tuller, certified JMG; PEG Godwin, Horticultue agent for the Lenoir County Extension Office; Margaret Butler, Master Gardener and instructor for the JMG program. Photo submitted.

Junior Master Gardeners (JMG) Jackson Tuller and Eli Tuller placed recycle bins in the workroom, kitchen, and employee break room in the Lenoir County Extension Office. Jackson and Eli reached out to Tammy Kelly, Director of the Lenoir County Extension office to get her approval for the project and to determine the needs of the office for recycling bins in order to satisfy one of the eight leadership projects required for the students to complete certification as Junior Master Gardeners.

“These two young men were very excited to head up this leadership project,” said Marsha Lovick Master Gardener and instructor for the JMG program. 

Previously, the Lenoir County Extension Office participated in a recycling program, but after the office was flooded for a second time, the recycling bins had not yet been replaced. 

“All through the eight chapters of the Junior Master Gardener Course, recycling and other ways to care for our environment were discussed,” said Lovick. “We even visited our county landfill to discover where all the recycled trash goes.”

The Junior Master Gardeners shared information with the staff at the Lenoir County Extension Office that included what types of materials could be recycled, and where the items can be placed. 

“The JMG program is an innovative 4H gardening project and is modeled after the Master Gardener program,” said Tammy Kelly, Director of the Lenoir County Extension Office. 

The young gardeners are introduced to the art and science of gardening and are exposed to leadership and life skills to help them become good citizens in their communities, schools, and families. 

For information about the Junior Master Gardener or the Master Gardener programs contact Peg Godwin at the Extension Office. 

“We are very appreciative of you recognizing the hard work of these young men,” said Lovick.

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