South Lenoir Cheerleading coach to retire after winning 2021 NCHSAA Cheerleading Invitational Division
Greta Hill, at the 2021 NCHSAA Cheerleading Invitational. Photo: Submitted by Greta Hill.
The South Lenoir Cheerleading team won the 2021 NCHSAA Cheerleading Invitational Divisional Winner and their long-time beloved coach, Greta Hill, announced that she is ending her time as a coach. After 25 years, Hill felt as if she was in the right phase of her life to make the change.
“I thank the girls, and I thank all the parents that have shared their children with me,” said Hill. “I thank my family for the many hours they have sacrificed me being with someone else's children.”
The state championship had over 80 varsity cheerleading teams across a number of divisions.
2021 NCHSAA Cheerleading Invitational. Photo: Submitted by Greta Hill.
“It was pretty big, and pretty overwhelming,” said Hill. “Some of the girls had not been to a competition of that magnitude.”
Hill accepted it was time to hang up her pompoms when she had a generational impact. Over the years she’s taught older and younger siblings, but recently she started coaching the children of her former cheerleaders. Hill will continue teaching.
“This year, we have really just absolutely lived in the moment, and embraced every opportunity,” said Hill. “After last year with COVID, the girls didn’t get to take to the mat to compete the entire year, last year.”
2021 NCHSAA Cheerleading Invitational. Photo: Submitted by Greta Hill.
The win at the state championship was a highlight of Hill’s career. The coach that will be working with the program once Hill leaves, has been shadowing this year, following along and learning the program.
“You know with the girls in the past, I’ve always kept my expectations high and kept my level of love and encouragement high,” said Hill. “They knew what I expected, and knew I could be kind of tough”
She attributes her success to a mixture of tough love, and kind of mother love that kept things going. Her advice to her successor is to do the same.
Hill offers words of wisdom to all the cheerleaders.
“If you want to be recognized and respected as athletes, you have to act like athletes,” said Hill. “You have to practice like athletes and act like athletes.”
2021 NCHSAA Cheerleading Invitational. Photo: Submitted by Greta Hill.