Greene County Elections office is moving — Neuse News
Greene County Elections office is moving

Greene County Elections office is moving

The Greene County Elections office is moving from 110 SE First Street in Snow Hill (behind the courthouse), to their new office location at 104 Hines Street also in Snow Hill. The new office location is where the old Building Inspection and Greene County Transportation office was located. They had been in the old office since 1996.

“I believe this move is a great move for our Board of Elections and the voters of Greene County,” said Greene County Board of Elections Director Trey Cash. “The Greene County Board of Elections has made accessibility for voters and election security their top priorities.”

The county rented the office space for the previous office location and it was not very easy for some people to access, it involved people either walking up a hill or walking up approximately 10 steps to get to the office. The new office is county-owned and has no steps or a hill. The new office location was renovated using federal funding called HAVA to increase security measures.

“The Board of Elections worked with the Board of County Commissioners and the County Manager’s Office to find an appropriate location and used federal funding to make the necessary renovations to meet these priorities,” said Cash.

There will not be One-Stop early voting in the new office. The new office will only be for voter registration, absentee-by-mail requests, candidate filing, and other election administration matters. The biggest benefit is election security and accessibility for people.

“We are looking forward to making our new office location home to the Greene County Board of Elections for decades to come,” said Cash.

The office hours will be Monday through Friday, 8:00 am through 12:00 pm and then 1:00 pm through 5:00 pm. The office will be closed for lunch from 12:00 pm through 1:00 pm.

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