All in Education

Library Offers Free, Fast-Paced Chess Tournament to Public

Since April of this year, Neuse Regional Libraries have seen an extremely enthusiastic response from the community for Chess Club, a new weekly meeting of chess players of all ages, backgrounds, and experience levels. Every week upwards of 25 players gather to play casual games and exchange tips, while newcomers can learn how to play and get some invaluable over-the-board experience in a laid-back environment.

Caitlin Waters Crowned 2024 Distinguished Young Woman of Lenoir County

On Saturday, over $12,000 in scholarships and other gifts were given to the Distinguished Young Women of Lenoir County Class of 2024.  The Distinguished Young Woman of Lenoir County program is part of a nationwide effort to recognize, reward, and encourage excellence and education among all young people. Seven senior girls competed for the scholarships. Participants were Gabby Smith, Tiyah Chapman, Leanna Kivett, Shamiah Hall, Grayson Lynch, Kalyn Brock, and Caitlin Waters. 

Mike Parker: Was I was doing it all wrong?

I recently heard a news report about the push to change how teachers grade their students’ work from a points-based system to a standard-based evaluation. Part of the ideas behind this push for “equity” in grading includes allowing retakes for tests, multiple revisions for essays, and eliminating behavioral considerations such as late work and absences as part of grades.

Snow Hill Primary "Terrific Kids" Awards

Snow Hill Primary gives out a weekly award called "Terrific Kid" awards.  Each teacher at SHP chooses a student who has been responsible, shows great character, or has reached a personal goal.  On Fridays, these students are presented with an award and are congratulated for their hard work.  Below are Snow Hill Primary's last Terrific Kid Awards!