Like most holidays, the foundation of the faith underlying our observance of Thanksgiving lies buried under the flash and glitter of secularism.
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Like most holidays, the foundation of the faith underlying our observance of Thanksgiving lies buried under the flash and glitter of secularism.
Neuse Regional Libraries are very fortunate to serve communities that clearly place a high value on their libraries and the access they provide to many invaluable programs, services, and materials. One of the ways our community supports our Libraries in Lenoir County is through the Kinston-Lenoir County Friends of the Library.
Yep, Friendsgiving, the word is a mix up of “friends” and “Thanksgiving” and the idea is to spend an evening near the Thanksgiving Holiday with your best buds. Apparently the “younger” generation has been celebrating this for several years, but my more “tenured” generation has finally caught up.
Kinston has a way of providing me what I need. My love for this town is a little strange, even to me, but I’ve never lived anywhere that has done so much for me and my family. This year has been surreal in ways I never expected. Usually, when the holidays roll around, the stress of everything I can’t do steals the joy of the season.
I had not seen him for a good while. One Sunday, he entered King’s Restaurant and took a seat in a booth. I had to go speak to him. He smiled at me, and we chatted for a few minutes. Buddy made a deep impression on me from the time I first met him. He seemed filled with positive vibes and energy. To me, he represented what is best in Kinston and Lenoir County.
I remember seeing Mayor Ritch on the campus of Kinston High School and by his presence alone one could tell someone special, someone important was in this place. Understanding his impact on me, helped shape my own approach to speaking with students when I became mayor.
It’s is a constant Holiday debate, same menu as last year or how about we try something new? No doubt about it, I fall on the “same as last year” side, I see it as one of the few days a year that you get to eat all the calories that bring back all the memories.
Welcome to the final chapter of our series, "Journey to a Purposeful Life." We've walked together through self-discovery, finding purpose, building self-confidence, resilience, and the power of meaningful relationships.
On Saturday, November 16, two living history programs will be offered in Kinston. From 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on November 16, the CSS Neuse II, the full-scale replica of the CSS Ram Neuse on the corner of North Herritage and West Gordon Streets, will host a living history program titled “Naval Rendezvous.”
Packing your meals with protein has become quite the food trend for 2024. There are many really good reasons for cooking high protein meals for you and your family. Protein is super important for building strong muscles, plus it keeps your metabolism revved up throughout the day.
I have a Soror and friend whom I met when we were representing clients on different sides of a case in 1983. As opposing counsel, we were supposed to have differing positions for which we argued. And I guess we actually did that
We’re finally here - Election Day! As many people vented their frustrations about national, state, and local politics on social media this election (and I’m sure it’s not over, gahhhhhh), it’s common to see heated debates, complaints, and accusations aimed at politicians and the government. However, real change doesn’t come from being a keyboard warrior—it comes from taking action.
Did you know that nearly one out of 11 citizens of this county are U.S. military veterans? In fact, according to the United States Census Bureau, Lenoir County veteran population is more that 2.5 percent higher than the state as a whole. More than 4,000 veterans live in this city and county. Nationwide, roughly 18 million veterans are still living in our nation.
Pears peak in late October and should be abundant at Farmers Markets and Roadside Stands in Eastern North Carolina. Pears are a powerhouse fruit, loaded with fiber, vitamins and beneficial plant compounds. Sadly the number of pear trees have reduced over the past several years as a result of the weight of the pears and the occurrences of heavy wind and hurricanes.