Construction of the FRC East C130 MRO Complex at the Global TransPark is accelerating.
All tagged gtp
Construction of the FRC East C130 MRO Complex at the Global TransPark is accelerating.
After experiencing some mechanical issues, an international flight (a chartered plane) landed at the Global TransPark in Kinston this afternoon. The flight originated in Antigua and was bound for New York. The flight landed safely at the GTP; there were no injuries on the flight.
State officials have successfully recovered $35,000 stolen earlier this week when a financial employee at the N.C. Global TransPark fell victim to a wire fraud scam.
A financial employee at the N.C. Global TransPark fell victim this week to a sophisticated email wire fraud scam.
Gov. Roy Cooper was at the GTP to talk about the importance of keeping defense money and jobs in North Carolina.