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Mike Parker: ‘Bee’ smart as the new school year begins

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You may recognize this information from the beginning of last school year. For the past several years, I have shared tip for succeeding in school that I gleaned from 37-plus years as a classroom teacher. Nothing brought me greater joy than seeing my students take themselves and their work seriously. So, again, I am going to share my “Bees” of success.

            First: BEE THERE.

No student with a spotty attendance record will perform well. Learning builds. Think of your education as building a brick wall. Missing a day of school means you miss bricks, and those missing bricks become unsightly “holes” in your learning. The greatest service parents can do to ensure their children get a solid education is to get the children to school every day. Students need to realize they need not only to be in school physically – but also mentally.

            Second: BEE ON TIME.

The rule in my classroom was “BIC” when the tardy bell rings. “BIC” stands for “butt in chair.” Good teachers want to start quickly and use what precious little time they have to teach. Waiting for students to mill around cuts into instructional time.

            Third: BEE PREPARED.

Being prepared means having your supplies and materials. Coming to class without a pencil or paper or textbook or laptop means you did not bring the tools you need for doing your job. Would you trust a plumber to fix your leaking faucet if he asked you for a wrench or screwdriver? Show up on the job with what you need to be a good learner.

Part of being prepared is doing your homework. Teachers assume you complete your assignments when they plan activities for class the next day. Homework allows you to practice earlier skills and gets you ready for the next lesson.

            Fourth: BEE RESPECTFUL.

You need to respect yourself, your classmates, your parents, and your teachers. Students often become angry when they think a teacher has disrespected them. I cannot tell you the times I have heard students say, “You’ve got to give respect to get respect.” Of course, most of the time students say these words right after they have shown disrespect to their teacher or peers.

Teachers should model respectful behavior. So should parents. Most students are going to have a hard time respecting a teacher that Mom or Dad trashes.

One more thought on respect: Teachers show respect for their students when they refuse to allow students to get by with shoddy work or substandard performance. Giving constructive criticism and encouraging students to work harder is a way teachers show respect for students and their abilities.


Believe it or not – teachers want students to succeed. I never had a student enter my class and said to myself, “Man, I want that kid to fail.” Teachers want you to learn. Teachers know the ordeal you are going to face at testing time. Even more, they know the ordeals you will face when you leave school and enter the world of work. They have a plan in place to get you ready.

Frankly, some students act like balky mules. Their lack of cooperation usually stems from one of two things. First, adolescent arrogance makes young people think they already know what they will need in the future. They do not.

A second cause for withholding cooperation is fear. Some students believe even if they try, they will fail – so why try? Teachers are equipped to help you succeed. They want you to succeed. In today’s test-crazy educational setting, your success reflects on your teachers. Do you think teachers want you to look unprepared and untaught? Bee cooperative.

            Sixth: BEE RESPONSIBLE.

Students: You are in charge of your education. You decide how much effort you will give and how much attention you will pay. Getting an education is a student’s job. Part of doing that job is accepting the responsibilities that come with the job.

            Seventh: BEE KIND.

The world is often cruel and hurtful. I wanted my classroom to be a haven – a place where students could come to learn without fear of taunts, bullying, and ridicule. Nowhere is the Golden Rule more appropriate than the classroom: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

            Eighth: BEE HONEST.

Begin by being honest with yourself. If you fool yourself, you are a fool indeed.

Be honest with your teachers.

Be honest with your parents. Stop blaming your teacher for “giving” you a failing grade. Parents, I never gave grades. When grading entered the picture, I was an accountant who punched numbers into a grade book program. A student unhappy with the numbers needs to work harder and prepare better.

If you put these “BEES” into practice, you will have a great school year.

If you ignore these “BEES,” you are sure to get stung.

Mike Parker is a retired teacher and a columnist for the Neuse News. You can reach him at

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