UPDATE: Lenoir County Sheriff pursues suspect in Brown's Plant and Seeds shooting — Neuse News
UPDATE:  Lenoir County Sheriff pursues suspect in Brown's Plant and Seeds shooting

UPDATE: Lenoir County Sheriff pursues suspect in Brown's Plant and Seeds shooting

UPDATE: 08/08/24
Aug. 8, 2024

The Lenoir County Sheriff’s Office is still investigating the identity of a man who shot another man in the hand yesterday morning at Brown’s Plant and Seeds on Hwy 258 North.

The attempted robbery happened around 9:15 yesterday morning at 2455 Hwy 258, Kinston, when a White man wearing a mask and a black hat shot a man inside the business.

The suspect fled the business in a light grey Ford Escape and headed towards Greene County. The Greene County Sheriff’s Office, Kinston Police Department and the Department of License and Theft have assisted and are still assisting with this investigation.

If any residents have any information on this crime, they are asked to please call the LCSO at 252-559-6118. A reward is being offered for the arrest of this individual.


The Lenoir County Sheriff’s Office is in pursuit of a man who shot another man in the hand this morning at Brown’s Plant and Seeds on Hwy 258 North this morning.

The attempted robbery happened around 9:15 this morning at 2455 Hwy 258, Kinston, when a White man wearing a mask and a black hat shot a man inside the business. The victim was transported to a hospital and his condition is not known at this moment.

The suspect fled the business in a light blue or grey Ford SUV and headed towards Greene County (photos are attached). The Greene County Sheriff’s Office and the Kinston Police Department have assisted and are assisting with this investigation.

If any residents have any information on this crime, they are asked to please call the LCSO at 252-559-6118.

NOTE: We apologize for the clarifications between this report and earlier reports, but they are due to eyewitness reports on the scene.

The Lenoir County Sheriff's Office is in pursuit of a shooting suspect that shot a victim this morning at Brown's Auto Sales located at 2453 Hwy 258 N. Sheriff Jackie Rogers describes the suspect as a slender Black male in a grey-colored Hyundai.

That is all the information we have at this moment. As soon as we can give you more, we'll let you know.

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