Four LCPS commencement exercises on tap next week — Neuse News
Four LCPS commencement exercises on tap next week

Four LCPS commencement exercises on tap next week

More than 600 LCPS seniors will bid farewell to high school next week in four commencement ceremonies.

More than 600 seniors will reach the milestone that is high school graduation next week at commencement exercises scheduled at four LCPS schools.

Graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2024 at the county’s three traditional high schools will be held in succession on Saturday, June 8. Students at Lenoir County Learning Academy will graduate earlier, on Tuesday afternoon.

Here are details about the four graduations:

  • Lenoir County Learning Academy: 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 4, at the chapel at Kennedy Home. Commencement speaker will be Dr. Larry Walston, a behavior specialist with Lenoir County Public Schools Outstanding Senior awards will be presented to two students. Twenty-three seniors, comprising the alternative school’s largest-ever graduating class, will receive diplomas. Each graduate receives five tickets for guests.

  • South Lenoir High School: 9 a.m. Saturday, June 8, in the school gym. Tickets are required for admission; each graduate receives five tickets for the gym and three for the school auditorium. The ceremony will also be live-streamed via You Tube, with the link posted on the school’s Facebook page. Commencement speakers will be students Laney Baggett and Emily Jacobs. South Lenoir will graduate 172 seniors.

  • Kinston High School: 11 a.m. Saturday, June 8, in the school gym. Tickets are required for admission; each graduate receives six. Speakers will be graduating seniors Javiar Grady and Aanysti Canady-Small. The ceremony will include recognition of honor graduates, NC Academic Scholars, the Kinston High School Viking Scholar and the Kinston High School Academic Scholar. The ceremony will be live-streamed on Kinston High’s Facebook page. Kinston High will graduate 185 seniors.

  • North Lenoir High School: 1 p.m. Saturday, June 8, in the gym at Lenoir Community College. Tickets are required for admission. Students who attended May 23 Senior Events will receive five tickets for guests; those who did not will receive four. The ceremony will be live-streamed on North Lenoir’s Facebook page. Commencement speaker will be Derrick Waters, North Lenoir Class of 1983 and CEO of Coach USA, a national bus company. North Lenoir will graduate 243 seniors.

The 43 seniors in the Class of 2024 at Lenoir County Early College High School graduated May 8.

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