Kinston Police apprehend suspect in indecent exposure incident at park — Neuse News
Kinston Police apprehend suspect in indecent exposure incident at park

Kinston Police apprehend suspect in indecent exposure incident at park

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at approximately 7 p.m., members of the Kinston Police Department responded to a report of an individual inappropriately touching himself near 108 W. North Street, Kinston. As officers arrived, they attempted to contact the suspect, Anthony Briggs, 38, of Kinston. Once Briggs spotted the officers, he immediately led them on foot pursuit. During the chase, Briggs ran towards Pearson Park, where he was apprehended without incident. 

Upon further investigation, it was determined that Briggs was required to register as a sex offender due to previous convictions. This prior conviction prohibited him from being within 300 feet of a park. It was also determined that he had three outstanding warrants for Possession with the Intent to Sell/Deliver a Controlled Substance. 

Briggs was ultimately arrested for the warrants and charged with Indecent Exposure, Sex Offender Unlawfully On-premises (within 300 feet of a Park), and Resisting a Public Officer. Briggs was placed in the Lenoir County Jail under a secured bond. 

The Kinston Police Department makes it a priority to investigate all crimes perpetrated in our city. We will investigate such cases without compromise for crime and continue to seek assistance from the community we proudly serve.  If anyone has information about this incident, please call the Kinston Police Department’s Tips Line at 252-939-4020, Lenoir County Crime Stoppers at 252-523-4444, or through the Tip411 App that is available on both Apple and Android devices.  Calls to Crime Stoppers are confidential and anonymous, and the caller may be eligible for a cash reward for information that leads to an arrest.   

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