Greene County Schools hosts Summer Experiences — Neuse News
Greene County Schools hosts Summer Experiences

Greene County Schools hosts Summer Experiences

Snow Hill - Throughout this summer students from Greene County Schools have been busy with summer learning and experiencing everything from Legos to white water rafting to cooking and robotics. Teachers and administrators have worked to build amazing experiences for students from all grade levels. 

Raising 6th Graders from GCIS participated in Lego Math Camp.

As part of the ongoing effort of the district to reduce learning loss, Math Coach Samantha Haislip and MTSS County Coordinator Natalie Cook developed the idea for a camp focused on math and social-emotional learning centered on raising 6th-grade students coming into GCMS from GCIS.. Teachers Faith McLawhorn and Shenita Dove from GCMS and  Christina Tavarez from GCHS help lead a "Lego math camp" where students explored math concepts through Lego play.  They also worked with Lego Education kits that incorporated math, science, literacy, SEL, and coding. On the final day, students went on a field trip to Captain Jack's Mini Golf for a round of math mini golf.  Students were provided transportation, breakfast, and lunch each day. The camp ran from 8:30-12:30. Haislip commented “It was so great to see students engaged with hands-on math activities in a different environment. I am excited to see the impact of the camp on the student’s academic year.”

GCIS students enjoying camp

GCIS offered the “Second Scoop Math Camp”. This camp was designed to give students a skills boost in Mathematics. The target group was rising 4th and 5th graders.

This camp was created to engage students in Math related activities and the program ran for 4 days.  Students learned about shapes and angles. With that knowledge, they created frisbees out of parallelograms. The frisbees were tested and the distances were recorded.  Students also worked to “Escape the Paint Explosion” which focuses on using math to escape. They also experienced a day focused on Fractions and the creation of Fraction Pizzas. The camp wrapped up with a fun day at the park and students also received a Tinker Crate Kit to take home and share with their families.

GCMS STEM students visit the NC Aquarium at Roanoke Island

Middle and High School students also got to experience different overnight trips focused on Careers and STEM experiences. Middle School students participated in the Outer Banks Experience where they learned about the environment and ecosystems that make the Outer Banks a unique place. This trip included dolphin watching, airboat rides, a trip to Jockey’s Ridge, and the NC Aquarium.

Greene Central Students showing off their racing suits that they designed as part of their visit to Charlotte Motor Speedway

The High School students traveled to Charlotee and learned about careers at the Charlotee Motor Speedway. They also explored the National Whitewater Center and for many experienced their first whitewater rafting experience. “The white water center was an awesome experience” stated one of the students who participated in the trip. Emily Lahr, STEM Education Coach told Neuse News that “These camps allow students opportunities that they would not normally have. Students are able to experience different locations in North Carolina, and different careers all while building friendships and making memories. We are excited to be able to offer these camps to them.”

The Camps were an effort of teachers, administrators, and community members to allow students experiences that were both educational and memorable. The camps were made possible through partnerships and grants. 

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