Phyllis Louise Burruss: A Veteran's Commitment to Snow Hill

Phyllis Louise Burruss: A Veteran's Commitment to Snow Hill

In the upcoming 2023 Municipal Election, Phyllis Louise Burruss has thrown her name in for Snow Hill Town Commissioner. With a 30-year military career, a deep connection to Greene County, and a passion for community activism, Burruss brings a unique blend of experience and dedication to the table.

Burruss's resume speaks for itself. A native of Greene County, she has served as Snow Hill Town Commissioner since 2004. As a business owner and manager for over 30 years, she understands the intricacies of economic growth and development. Her commitment to her community is unwavering, and she believes in the core values of democracy, a safe environment, support for businesses, and safe streets.

"I am dedicated and committed to keeping our community a great place to live. I believe in democracy, a safe environment, supporting small and large businesses, and safe streets. My former Snow Hill Town Commissioner duties focused on improving our economic growth, recreational improvements, and making our town a safe and welcoming community to live in," says Burruss.

One of her top priorities is local infrastructure improvement. Burruss is determined to proactively address the challenges Greene County has faced in recent years. She states, "I am very passionate about improving our local infrastructure and will study and work with other commissioners to be proactive and address any challenges our county has faced in recent years."

Education is another key focus for Burruss. She recognizes the need for increased funding for the school system to better educate local students. "I would address the need for more funding for the school system to better educate our students. It is very important that our children's education be our number one priority. I believe the community should make this our number one issue with all parties working toward educating our children."

Promoting local businesses and attracting new industries are vital components of Burruss's vision for Snow Hill. She plans to identify promising businesses and industries and collaborate with executives and officers to create career pathways for the community. Additionally, job training and support services will be made accessible to those in need.

Burruss states, "I would work on providing job training for youth and adults and bringing work support services such as child care, housing, and transportation services, etc., to those who are in need."

Public safety is a top concern for the residents of Snow Hill. Burruss emphasizes the importance of well-lit streets and adequate police presence. Furthermore, she is committed to educating the community on environmental issues, promoting sustainable practices, and advocating for smart choices in daily life.

Burruss sums up her commitment to the community with the military core value of "INTEGRITY," emphasizing the importance of initiative, nurturing, teamwork, excellence, giving, respect, intelligence, and truth. She firmly believes in the power of community engagement and transparency.

"I believe in having community and personal meetings where the community can voice any disagreements with the elected officials."

Phyllis Louise Burruss brings experience, dedication, and a clear vision to the 2023 Municipal Election for Snow Hill Town Commissioner. With her focus on public safety, job opportunities, business growth, and infrastructure improvement, she aims to keep Snow Hill a friendly, peaceful, and beautiful place to live. Burruss's commitment to the community shines through, and her vision is one that aims to uplift Snow Hill's overall quality of life.

As she states, "My vision is to improve public safety, jobs, business opportunities, and infrastructures." For the residents of Snow Hill, Phyllis Louise Burruss is a candidate who promises a brighter future.

For all Lenoir and Greene Counties election coverage, join Neuse News Election night Results Show presented by Brooks Poole, Realtor at 7:30pm on November 7, 2023.

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