Mike Parker: As the New Year opens, my only resolution: Practice gratitude — Neuse News
Mike Parker: As the New Year opens, my only resolution: Practice gratitude

Mike Parker: As the New Year opens, my only resolution: Practice gratitude

As 2022 drew to a close, I had an acute awareness of how much complaining I had done last year. I confess that fault to my shame. So much in my life that brings me joy and continual challenge, yet I focus on the negatives too much of the time.

I just finished taking stock. My cup of blessings “runneth over” – to use a King James phrase. I can perceive goodness and mercy has followed me throughout the past year – and promises to stick close by as I move into 2023.

(Interestingly, the Hebrew word translated “follow” in Psalm 23 could also be rendered “pursue” – or even “chase.” The Lord’s goodness and mercy do not meander. They pursue us.)

For instance, I am blessed to still have my mother. She turned 94 in October and still lives in her home by herself. Her mind is as strong as ever. I wish her body could match the strength of her mind. Hearing her voice on the phone immediately brightens my day.

My wife Sandra is my rock. On Feb. 18 of 2023, we will celebrate 51 years of marriage. Her commitment to our marriage is a constant source of blessing. We have known some rough spots – lack of financial resources, an extended battle with cancer in 1998 – but we allowed the pressures of life to draw us together instead of driving us apart.

I have four wonderful children: Sara, Rachel, Lydia, and Michael. When they were little, I would look at them and wonder what their future would hold. What type of adults would they be? How would they weather the terrible twos – and the even more trying teens?

I no longer wonder.

I see the people they have become – people who give of themselves to others, people of strong faith. They all have a ready laugh, a quick smile, a kind word, and an open heart. They all have good jobs. I am blessed through them.

I have also lived long enough to experience the truth of Proverbs 17:6: “Children’s children are the crown of old men.” I have 13 jewels in my crown – 12 on earth and one in Heaven. My Heavenly jewel is Caitlyn. I look forward to her showing me around Heaven when my turn comes to pass through death’s door.

My earthly jewels are Courtney, Haley, Taylor, Jaxen, Isaiah, Abby, Alex, Ben, Hannah, Laney, Alli, and Luke. As I write, four of my jewels are now adults. One of the younger jewels has just started driving. All are bright students who do well in school.

Courtney grew up the little mama and, when necessary, the drill sergeant for her sisters, Haley and Taylor. Courtney is now a nurse at our local hospital and works in the Emergency Department. Courtney’s command presence did not always go over well with her siblings when they were young, but these three sisters are close now. Courtney’s decisiveness serves her well as a nurse.

Haley is studying archeology at East Carolina, and Taylor plans to go into the health or business field. Haley is also artistic. She can do more with a napkin than Picasso could do with an entire canvas.

Taylor has two loves – working incessantly and reading. Jaxen is now a working man. His field is computer-assisted machining technology. He graduated May 17, 2022 – and started a good job on May 31.

I delight in my church family, and I rejoice in my friends and good neighbors.

Life Lesson Number 1: most of our discontentment focuses on things we have – or things we wish we had. Most of our joys come from the people we care about.

So as last year closes and the new one begins, my only resolution is to be grateful for the people God has brought into my life.

I am sure I will still gripe about gas prices – not to mention milk and egg prices. I will continue to push and polish my grandchildren. At day’s end, I resolve to rejoice in my children and grandchildren and offer grateful praise for the blessings they bring.

Mike Parker is a columnist for the Neuse News. You can reach him at mparker16@gmail.com.

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