Aerospace & Advanced Manufacturing Center holds Annual Derby Car Race — Neuse News
Aerospace & Advanced Manufacturing Center holds Annual Derby Car Race

Aerospace & Advanced Manufacturing Center holds Annual Derby Car Race

Pictured left to right, kneeling are Skyler Svoboda, Dean Finkbiner (behind Svoboda), and  Jordan Crouell; standing, Altwond Andrews, Justin Roberts, Elijah Balli-Solis, Adam Irsik, Matthew Kearney, Colton Cole, Masyn Rackley, Cole Matthews, and Devonte Williams.

Students in the Mechanical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Machining Programs recently put their skills to the test by participating in the annual Aerospace & Advanced Manufacturing Center (AAMC) Derby Car Race at the Center.

The students from the two programs combined their talents to design and manufacture a car that met certain requirements and then they put the cars to the test by racing multiple times on different tracks.

Mechanical Engineering student Adam Irsik of La Grange led the track rebuild and upgrade and students from the Industrial Systems Program assisted in upgrading the racetrack.

“The purpose of this project is to get engineering and machining students working together to explore their creativity while learning about each other’s realistic abilities,” said Computer-Integrated Machining Program Chair Andrew Luppino.

“This exercise is meant to open student’s eyes to the capabilities of their counterparts so that they are more prepared to work together with future coworkers of the same career path in industry,” he said.

Five teams participated in the derby. Taking first place honors was the team of Dean Finkbiner of Kinston, Skyler Svoboda of New Bern, and Jason Posey of La Grange; second place, Matthew Kearney of Snow Hill, Cole Matthews of Hookerton, and Masyn Rackley of La Grange; third place, Elijah Balli-Solis of Kinston, Colton Cole of Kinston, and Ashley Haynes of Kinston; fourth place, Jordan Crouell of Kinston, Devonte Williams of Grifton and Ryan Haynes of Kinston; and fifth place, Altwond Andrews of Kinston, Justin Roberts of Hubert, and Sydney Haynes of Kinston. Andrews, Roberts and Haynes also won the Most Creative Design for their racecar.

For more information on the programs at the AAMC, contact Luppino at (252) 527-6223, ext. 107 or email at

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