Kids Reach Out to Kids: Parrott SERV Travels to Florida
Parrott SERV students and chaperones before their flight to Orlando to volunteer at Give Kids the World resort. Back (left to right): Andy Moye, Will Rouse, Jackson McCarren, Carolista Walsh, Sydney Myers, Laura Fern Jones, Kat Owsley, Hannah Henderson, Holland Killinger. Front: Mitzi Moye, Daksh Gahlot, Annesha Jayaram, Haynes Lewis, Carolina Jones, Jenna Alhosaini, Hannah Hood, Mary Frances Fields, Olivia Begelman, Leslie Lewis, and Sadie Crockett.
Parrott Academy student SERV Society members travelled to Florida on March 18th to volunteer at Give Kids the World, a destination that serves critically ill children and their families. This is the second time APA SERV director Leslie Lewis has organized a student service-learning trip to the 84-acre nonprofit campus in Orlando. Give Kids the World serves children who travel to Disney World through the Make A Wish Foundation.
The sixteen 9th, 10th, and 11th graders flew from Raleigh to Orlando on March 18th for a four-day trip. At Give Kids the World, they joined other volunteers working as attendants for the Horse and Pony Ride, the Carousel, the Ice Cream Palace, and the Disney Character Photo venue. A special worksite was the Castle where visiting children get to display a personalized star commemorating their visit. Parrott student Sydney Myers was able to find the star placed by her cousin, who later died of a terminal illness.
“Part of the philosophy of Arendell Parrott Academy is to develop students’ sensitivity to the needs of
others so that they develop and accept the responsibilities of good citizenship,” Lewis stated. “I’m so proud of how hard our students worked their volunteer shifts, day and night, and how much enthusiasm and inspiration they showed.”
Parrott SERV member Holland Killinger of Kinston volunteered as an attendant at the storybook resort Give Kids the World which serves critically ill children.
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Photo one caption: Parrott SERV students and chaperones before their flight to Orlando to volunteer at Give Kids the World resort. Back (left to right): Andy Moye, Will Rouse, Jackson McCarren, Carolista Walsh, Sydney Myers, Laura Fern Jones, Kat Owsley, Hannah Henderson, Holland Killinger. Front: Mitzi Moye, Daksh Gahlot, Annesha Jayaram, Haynes Lewis, Carolina Jones, Jenna Alhosaini, Hannah Hood, Mary Frances Fields, Olivia Begelman, Leslie Lewis, and Sadie Crockett.
Photo two caption: Parrott SERV member Holland Killinger of Kinston volunteered as an attendant at the storybook resort Give Kids the World which serves critically ill children.