Dan Perry: Vote for change — Neuse News
Dan Perry: Vote for change

Dan Perry: Vote for change

Many have voted early, but there will be others who choose to vote on election day. I would like to leave you with a few thoughts to consider as you go to the polls this Tuesday.

Ask yourself if you believe our country is benefiting from the policies of the present leaders. In my opinion these policies have resulted in weakening us to the point that we have become a joke to many other nations! Please take care that you don’t just vote the way you, your parents and grandparents may have voted in the past without truly examining what you voted for! Prayerfully consider this.

If you would like to have leadership that would strengthen America in the areas of life, religious liberty, the economy, parental rights, safety in our streets, military strength and borders open only for legals, then you should vote for change.

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