PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Lenoir County Board of Commissioners Meeting Time Change — Neuse News
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Lenoir County Board of Commissioners Meeting Time Change

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: Lenoir County Board of Commissioners Meeting Time Change


Lenoir County Board of Commissioners Meeting Time Change

The Lenoir County Board of Commissioners will hold their regular meeting on Monday December 5, 2022, the regular meeting of the Commissioners will begin at 10:00 am in the Board’s Main Meeting Room of the Lenoir County Courthouse, 130 South Queen Street, Kinston, North Carolina.

In accordance with N.C.G.S. 143-318.12 this serves as notice of the revised time change at least seven days before the meeting is to occur under the revised schedule. Also, the aforementioned time change information may be accessed on the county’s web page –

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