Reece Gardner: Stand by friends when the going gets tough — Neuse News
Reece Gardner: Stand by friends when the going gets tough

Reece Gardner: Stand by friends when the going gets tough

All of us at times struggle with negative emotions, things we find difficult to understand. But we can better handle these negatives in this New Year of 2022 if we recognize that inspiration can come from them. For example, most of us are bothered by the way so many of our law enforcement people in various parts of our country are being treated today, from being humiliated and denied service at restaurants to being ambushed, wounded, and murdered.

When these horrendous events occur they often leave behind families and friends, as well as a grieving nation. But all of us can be inspired by the willingness on the part of these public servants to continue to step forward and risk their lives for our safety. They are heroes and we should let them know that we appreciate them. There are many other heroes as well, too numerous to mention, such as: Parents who sacrifice so much for their children; Ministers who constantly reach out a helping hand to the most needy among them; Friends who stand by friends when the going gets tough;

Caregivers who are quick to give a loving hug to those who are grieving; Children who provide care and comfort to elderly parents; Spouses who truly love and appreciate each other, and show it; People in authority who lead first with their hearts. And we can add to these such entities as our Military, The Red Cross, The Gate, Epic Center, The Salvation Army, The Homeless Shelter, Mary's Kitchen, all providing help on a daily basis while letting people know that SOMEBODY CARES.

And there are Teachers, Youth leaders, Hospitals with loving and caring doctors and nurses, and the millions of people who routinely give of their time, money, and expertise in service to others. There are so many wonderful things that people are doing every day. We are not perfect, but we can be inspired and thankful for the many wonderful people who, through their love, provide a little bit of Heaven right here on Earth and who LIVE the following prayer: "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: Where there is hatred, let me sow LOVE; Where there is injury, PARDON; Where there is doubt, FAITH; Where there is despair, HOPE; Where there is darkness, LIGHT; And where there is sadness, JOY. Help me to seek, not so much to be consoled, as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are BORN TO ETERNAL LIFE.

Now to close on a humorous note: Four women share a birthday and always celebrate it together. For their 30th birthday they go to the Lakeview Restaurant because the waiters are handsome and friendly. For their 50th birthday they go to The Lakeview Restaurant because the prices are reasonable and it has a good wine list; For their 60th birthday they go to the Lakeview Restaurant because it's quiet and has a nice view; For their 80th birthday they go to the Lakeview Restaurant because it's wheelchair accessible; And for their 90th birthday they go to the Lakeview Restaurant because they've never been there before!


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