Mike Parker: Dual celebration set for June 27 at Friends of the Homeless
Jasper Newborn
This coming Sunday, June 27, will be a day of celebration at the Friends of the Homeless shelter located at 112 N. Independence Street. The celebration will have a dual focus. First, this Open House/Dedication will celebrate a new wing for women and children.
“Services to homeless women and children are a major need in our community, and we are thankful to be able to offer these services in the immediate future,” said Danny Rice, president of the board for Friends of the Homeless.
The wing for women and children is one part of the renovation of the entire facility. The directors want supporters and the general public to have a chance to see first-hand the results of this renovation.
The Open House/Dedication will be a floating event from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m.
A formal recognition will occur at 4 p.m. Long-time shelter manager Jasper Newborn has announced he is retiring effective July 1. Since the shelter opened, Jasper has been central to providing assistance for the homeless in this community.
Except for a short period working with the Greenville facility, Jasper has been the Shelter Manager of Friends of the Homeless since its opening in November 1990. In fact, Jasper Newborn has been the face of the shelter in this community for more than 30 years.
“The Friends of the Homeless emergency shelter has been continuously recognized as one of the top shelters in North Carolina, and much of that recognition can be attributed to Jasper’s leadership,” Rice said.
One focus has been to ensure the cleanliness of the shelter for its residents. He often calls the facility “Holiday Inn East.” Even more, Jasper has had a significant impact on many shelter residents in helping them return to their families and developing a renewed sense of independence. Jasper has been one of the most requested speakers in the community on behalf of the Lenoir-Greene United Way.
For more than 30 years, Friends of the Homeless has given lodging and food for those who had no other place to go. During its nearly 31 year history, this agency has provided almost 190,000 nights of shelter – at no cost to taxpayers. Friends of the Homeless is a 501(c)3 agency and a United Way agency.
“The goal of Friends of the Homeless is to help the individuals who stay with us experience a level of independence and self-sufficiency following their stay at the shelter,” Rice said. The usual stay is 90 days, but the length of stay can be extended if the individual is actively working on goals to achieve independence.
Jasper has led the Friends of the Homeless through some of its darkest days. In 2015 Friends of the Homeless lost a vital revenue stream. Shortly after the FOH shelter opened, the agency found itself with more room than it could use, so the Postal Service rented space in the facility. That rent generated $25,000 a year. When downsizing occurred at our main post office in 2015, the Postal Service no longer needed the space. The rent income stopped.
I asked then for churches to put The Friends of the Homeless in their mission budgets and provide monthly support to the shelter. I am not sure how many area churches accepted my challenge, but I know several did.
Take a few minutes on Sunday, June 27, to stop by the shelter to see the renovations up close and personal. Also, congratulate Jasper on his decades of service – and thank him for the contribution he has made to create healing, dignity, and independence for those who use these services.
Mike Parker is a columnist for the Neuse News. You can reach him at mparker16@gmail.com.