Mike Parker: Recognizing academic excellence despite COVID pressures — Neuse News
Mike Parker: Recognizing academic excellence despite COVID pressures

Mike Parker: Recognizing academic excellence despite COVID pressures

On Friday, April 23, I attended an induction ceremony at Trenton Elementary School for six new members of the school’s National Elementary Honor Society. I went chiefly because my grandson Alex was taking part in the induction ceremony. Last year, Alex was inducted. This year he had one of the lead roles in inducting this year’s honorees.

The National Elementary Honor Society originated in early April of 2008. This organization’s goal is “to provide meaningful and authentic student recognition for outstanding elementary students,” according to an article by the National Association of Elementary School Principals announcing the birth of the organization. In fact, the NEHS offers the same type of honor for elementary students that the National Honor Society has bestowed upon high school students since its founding in 1921.

Students in grades four through six can become members of this honor society provided the school has a charter for its chapter. Students must meet certain requirements to become candidates for induction. They are assessed for membership based on the “four pillars” of the honor society: Scholarship, Responsibility, Service, and Leadership. Students must do more than excel academically. They must also model exceptional behavior in these other areas, as well.

 Mrs. Holly Ball presided over the ceremony. Alex had an important student role. He was responsible for lighting the center candle that sat in the middle of the candles representing Scholarship, Responsibility, Service, and Leadership. Members of the society came forward to light the candles and speak briefly about the meaning of each pillar. Two current members led in the Pledge of Allegiance. All seven current members played a role in the ceremony.

After Ms. Ball and the advisors recognized each inductee and awarded their cards and pins, Alex administered the National Elementary Honor Society Pledge:

“I pledge to uphold the high purpose of the National Elementary Honor Society to which I have been selected striving in every way by word and deed to make its ideals the ideals of my school and of my life.”

This ceremony was a brief and refreshing breath of relief from the pressures of the past year. Students across this nation have struggled with academic obstacles few students have faced in the past.  Pausing to recognize the excellent performance of some top students seemed appropriate. I wish these children could get something akin to combat pay for all their struggles.

The ceremony should also remind us that even in the midst of trials, some students still find a way to achieve excellence. The 13 Trenton Elementary students now part of their school’s chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society demonstrated true dedication to learning and character. Despite “virtual learning” in a county facing great challenges in broadband availability, they not only finished their assignments – but excelled.

I would like to give a shout-out to Mrs. Ball and the Trenton Elementary NEHS advisors: Julie Mercer, Michelle Basden, Frankie Sanderson, and Amanda Wuestman. They went above and beyond their normal duties to recognize excellence. Students must do their part to strive for excellence, but teachers are the ones who must have the heart to make sure that excellence is honored and praised.

Due to COVID restrictions, attendance at the actual ceremony was limited. However, Jones County Schools live-streamed the entire ceremony – and posted it on its YouTube channel, as well. You can view the event at www.youtube.com/c/jcpssocialmedia. You can also subscribe to the channel to catch other events – including board of education meetings.

I trust that each of the current honor society members will fulfill their pledge by becoming living examples of Scholarship, Responsibility, Service, and Leadership, both now and in the years to come.

They have made a good start. I sincerely hope they strive to finish with the same commitment to excellence. Congratulations to all of you.

Mike Parker is a columnist for the Neuse News. You can reach him at mparker16@gmail.com.

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