Kinston Police provide guidance on using Bird Scooters safely and legally — Neuse News
Kinston Police provide guidance on using Bird Scooters safely and legally

Kinston Police provide guidance on using Bird Scooters safely and legally

The Kinston Police Department has received several inquiries about the Bird Scooter and we would like to share the information related to the most common questions.

City Code 22-124 Customer requirements:

A. Must be 16 years of age.

B. Helmets encouraged.

C. Must follow all applicable traffic laws.

D. Must yield the right -of-way to other traffic (Vehicle and Pedestrian traffic) before entering or crossing a public right-of-way.

The scooters should not be operated on the sidewalks, on 4 lane roads or be able to cross over a 4 lane road. One operator is permitted, no passengers. The scooter should not be left in the roadway, blocking a driveway, street, ally, or building entrance. Bird Scooters has set up a GEO Fence that will restrict the rideable area.

The scooters should not be made available for rent between the hours of 9:00 pm and 6:00 am.

The driver/operator can be charged for city code violations and violations of state law that include serious offenses related to Driving While Impaired and Careless & Reckless.

The Kinston Police Department will continue to focus on educating the Bird Scooter customers and take enforcement action when necessary.

People are encouraged to report violations when they are observed by calling 911.

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