Letter to the Editor: Statement from Lambda Pi Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. — Neuse News
Letter to the Editor: Statement from Lambda Pi Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Letter to the Editor: Statement from Lambda Pi Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

To the Citizens of Lenoir County,

We, the members of Lambda Pi Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., chartered in 1974 in Kinston, NC, would like to send a clear and direct message to the Lenoir County community. The Brothers of Lambda Pi are empowered to be community change agents, while standing for social justice.  Since its inception in 1911 on the campus of Howard University, the Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. have aspired to serve mankind and its communities.

The continuous attack on the Civil Rights of African Americans demands fruitful collaborative dialogue directed towards addressing: racial inequalities, vast disparities in educational access/opportunities for our minority youth, better access to health care for black Americans and other minorities, and the disproportionate effect that poverty has on black Americans within our communities. 

We remain resolute in our Cardinal principles of, MANHOOD, SCHOLARSHIP, PERSEVERANCE, and UPLIFT, while also striving to be a proactive catalyst for justice.

In closing, our hearts and deepest condolences are with the families of George Floyd and the many others whose lives have been affected through racism and injustices.  

“We the Willing”

W.D.  Anderson, Harold Davis, Nicholas Harvey II, Ron Parson, Brandon Bishop, Timothy Davis, Earl Heath, Tad Parson, Christopher Brown, Bobby Dawson, Jr., Barrie Holley, Jerry Stackhouse, Christopher D. Brown, Daryl Dudley, Tyrone Holley, Ken Starr, Donyell Bryant, Paul Dunn III, Chuck Jones, Calvin Sutton, Jerry Burns, Dorian Edwards, JJ Jones, Joseph Tyson, Herman Carraway, Lloyd Folks, Les Lipford, Kevin Ward, Reggie Clark, Elijah Gooding, Ed Mills, Jason Wilson, Jimmy Cochran, George Graham, Keith Neal, Howard Wooley

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