Farmer's market update for June 6, 2020 — Neuse News
Farmer's market update for June 6, 2020

Farmer's market update for June 6, 2020

What’s new at the market?

Local corn, broccoli, local squash, local zucchini and local new potatoes. TC Smith will be at the market on Tuesdays from now on! Of course, they will be there on Saturday, too.

Saturday, May 30, 2020
8am - 2pm

Tuesday - 8am - 2pm

TC Smith Produce and Kettle Style Snacks.


Kettle Style Snacks only

Fresh from the fields of Lenoir County




New potatoes

Local squash


Curly Kale

Pointed Head Cabbage


Turnip Salad



Sweet Potatoes


Fresh from Florida farms
Tomatoes (good !)


String beans


Not from fields but still local
Freshly Baked Bread


Farm fresh eggs

Beautiful Cupcakes

Sharp and Mild Hoop Cheese

Roasted peanuts

Local crafts and wreaths

Pork skins & Rinds

Fried peanuts

Crystal has a new menu every Saturday and every Saturday she sells out !! Not only are her sweets delicious, they are beautiful. Stop by and take a look.My bet is that you will buy something. I did !!!

Crystal has a new menu every Saturday and every Saturday she sells out !! Not only are her sweets delicious, they are beautiful. Stop by and take a look.My bet is that you will buy something. I did !!!

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