Reece Gardner: The light at the end of the tunnel — Neuse News
Reece Gardner:  The light at the end of the tunnel

Reece Gardner: The light at the end of the tunnel

Well, the comeback from the current Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic appears to have officially begun.  President Trump made the following announcement this past Thursday:  "This is a Big Moment in our history as we open up our country. We've been shut down, but we now are re-emerging from our economic crisis and beginning the rebuilding of the greatest economy this world has ever known." And then he said, "It's going to happen a lot sooner than most people realized!"

Now, with the possible exception of a few governors - Virginia, Michigan, New York, California, etc. - I am sure most people are very happy with this turn of events. During this announcement, the President made it a point to praise the White House Coronavirus Task Force, headed by Vice President Mike Pence, for doing a fantastic job of bringing together highly complex resources that have now set a high standard for others to follow in the future. 

The Task Force was heralded for mobilizing the production of medical and protective equipment, and for handling the challenging logistics of the fight against the Coronavirus. The President talked about the many accomplishments, such as ventilators, which were few and largely inoperable, now being produced in the thousands, with many to spare, so that we are now providing other countries with them. He also highlighted the fact that our country is doing more testing than all other countries combined, with the testing methods becoming more sophisticated every day, and with face masks and shields being provided to millions.

Folks, it is little short of miraculous how so many great things have occurred over the past few weeks that have made it possible for our country to reach this moment in time where we can clearly see "The light at the end of the tunnel." In fact, as we now move rapidly toward a reopened economy, and as hospitals cease to be overwhelmed, the aforementioned Task Force will soon come to an end, which is powerfully indicative of the tremendous progress America has made in its fight against this Pandemic.  But we need to recognize that this road to recovery didn't "just happen." 

It has happened because of the faith and fortitude of the American people and the determination, in one of our darkest hours, to stand as one in our time of crisis and proclaim that powerful declaration, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow!"

Now, a few words of humor:  The office supervisor had to have a word with a new employee who never arrived at work on time. He explained that her tardiness was unacceptable and that other employees had noticed that she was walking in late every day. 

After listening to the supervisor's complaints, she agreed that this was a problem and even offered a solution:  "Is there another door that I can use?" 

Have a really great day!                                          

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