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How being ‘BFBs’ led to a high school diploma

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Several years ago, Bruce Williamson met Harry Osborne at Southwood Christian Church. As their friendship deepened, they discovered they have a number of interests in common. Perhaps the most important interest they shared is fishing. Instead of becoming BFF, these two became BFB – Best Fishing Buddies.

During the time they spent together on church projects and on the waters, Bruce learned about his friend’s story. Harry was born on Oct. 21, 1932, in Logan County, WV. He lived in the mining town of Emmett, WV, where his father worked as a coal-miner. The family of mom and dad and 12 children lived in a four-room house with two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room. Their home did have electricity because all the company houses were wired. Lucky families also had a refrigerator.

The family lived so far down in the valley that when they finally got a television, they had no reception. To remedy the problem, Harry carried the antenna up the mountainside and tried a variety of placements.

“Got a picture yet?” Harry would yell down. His brothers and sisters would relay the message to his dad, who sat in front of the TV.

Harry’s dad was paid in scrip, the mining company’s form of money. That scrip was only good at the company store. His life mirrored the words of Tennessee Ernie Ford’s song:

“You load 16 tons and what do you get? / Another day older and deeper in debt. / Saint Peter don’t you call me / ‘cause I can’t go. / I owe my soul to the company store.”

If Harry’s dad wanted U.S. cash, he could trade the scrip for 75 cents on the dollar.

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As a result of his family’s financial hardships, Harry, the oldest of the 12 children, dropped out of Man High School to get a job to help his family. He planned to return to school when he could, but at age 17 he joined the U.S. Marines instead.

He went to Parris Island, SC, for basic training. After basic he was sent to Camp Lejeune, NC. His MOS was “infantry.” He said he was a “ground pounder.” From Camp Lejeune, Harry found himself in Korea, serving with the Weapons Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment. His unit received a Presidential Unit Citation with one battle star.

After Harry served his three-year enlistment, he was reservist for five more years. He moved to Silver Springs, MD, where he spent 32 years as a baker. He also worked for 10 years as a baker in Washington, DC.

He met Muriel in Washington, DC, in 1955. The couple married in 1956. They raised two girls, who still live in suburban Maryland. But Muriel was originally from Lenoir County and wanted to move back to the place she was born and raised. They immediately became involved at Southwood Christian Church, where Harry and Muriel met Bruce and his wife Debbie.

When Bruce, who had worked at Lenoir Community College, learned that Harry had dropped out of school, he remembered a provision in the law that allowed drop outs who served honorably in the military during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam to receive a high school diploma.

Bruce went to work to surprise Harry. The first item on the agenda was to verify that Harry met all the provisions of the statute. To receive a diploma, a vet had to meet these criteria: left school prior to graduation; did not receive a high school diploma; was discharged from the military under honorable conditions. The next step was completing an application and forwarding the proper documentation.

Bruce could have saved himself a little time had he just chosen to obtain Harry’s diploma from South Lenoir High School, but he believed the diploma would mean more to Harry if it came from his original high school. Obtaining a diploma from Man High School in West Virginia meant dealing with another state.

Bruce persisted, finally obtaining Harry’s diploma from Man High School. It was dated May 22, 1950 – the day Harry would have graduated had he stayed in school.

Bruce faced a new challenge. How could he award Harry his diploma while still maintaining secrecy? Providence intervened. Bruce, Harry, and some other church people worked to build and refurbish some decks on houses. Bruce concocted a story that they were going to have a surprised birthday party for one of their co-workers. What Harry did not know was the trappings of a high school graduation party were also ready.

When the July day came, a number of people gathered to celebrate a birthday – and a graduation. Harry dutifully donned the cap and gown provided to him and made an entrance to “Pomp and Circumstance.” Bruce presented him the diploma. A trip through the maze of government red tape that Bruce began on Jan. 29, 2020, came to fruition that day.

Harry’s story offers encouragement to any veterans of World War II, Korea, or Vietnam who may have dropped out of school to serve in the military. You, too, can negotiate the paperwork maze to receive your high school diploma.

Happy Veterans Day!

Mike Parker is a columnist for Neuse News. You can reach him at

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