Neuseway Nature Park to hold book fair fundraiser — Neuse News
Neuseway Nature Park to hold book fair fundraiser

Neuseway Nature Park to hold book fair fundraiser

Photo by Linda Whittington / Neuse News

By Scott Cole

Mark your calendars: The Neuseway Nature Park is holding a fundraiser event on Sunday, Aug. 26. It’s an event to help kick off the new school year for kids while providing needed funds for the center.

“We are holding an event that will bring books to town," Neuseway Nature Park and Ellis Planetarium Director Sarah Bartlett said. "We don’t have a major bookstore like Barnes and Nobles in town. If you want to buy books, you have to travel a distance, so we’re bringing books to the kids of Lenoir County."

The event is free to attend. There will be games to play, rides on the train, face-painting, balloon animals, crafts and more. Books and school supplies can be purchased at the event with the proceeds going to help the Nature Park.

“There are some things that we want to improve,” Bartlett said. “We would really like to build up the reading nook at the park. ... We would like to offer more programs to improve education. We would like to be able to do more things in the community.”

Other funds will go to help with the general maintenance of the building and grounds. The Neuseway Nature Park also hopes to have some fun activities throughout the fall, including a family camp-out, a Halloween event and a kids-only science fair where children can compete for prizes and a chance to have their display shown at the center’s museum.

“We’re trying to bring the world to Kinston as well as bringing Kinston to the world,” Bartlett said.

While that event at the Nature Park is from 1-4 p.m., it is not the only event of the day. If you are in the Greenville area, you can help the Neuseway Nature Park by visiting the Barnes and Nobles at University Commons from 6-8 p.m.

“We’re bringing the planetarium to them," Bartlett said. "We will have a screen and PowerPoint presentation that will go over the constellations and the solar system. It will be a mini-version of some of the astronomy programs that we offer here in Kinston."

There will also be a mini-carnival at the Barnes and Noble with games, crafts and face-painting. However, it will not offer as many activities as the park itself will be hosting that morning.

Besides being a fundraiser, Bartlett is really excited about bringing books to children and teens in Lenoir County.

“Reading is how you open yourself up to the world," she said. "It’s how you learn about everything. With us being space-related, it helps show where we are in the universe. It’s hard not to learn and not read and you can’t get by in life without learning.

"Reading is the key to be successful and is something you will carry with you all year long.”

If you can’t make either event, you can still support Neuseway Nature Park by visiting any Barnes and Nobles location or the online store between Aug. 26-31. When you make your purchase, give this code: 12410817. That code will send a portion of the profits to help out the park.

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