Election 2018: Letters to the Editor policy — Neuse News
Election 2018: Letters to the Editor policy

Election 2018: Letters to the Editor policy

To allow freedom of speech and inspire constructive dialogue across a multitude of topics, Neuse News is now accepting Letters to the Editor. We plan to feature these letters in our Sunday morning Neuse Newsletter, however, we reserve the right to publish within 48 hours of receipt.

If you would like your letter to be considered for publishing, please follow these guidelines:

  • A maximum of 750 words (although length of letter can be waived for content by Editor).

  • Include your first name, last name, city of residence and phone number. Your phone number will not be published but only used for verification purposes.

  • You may include up to two images with at least 300 dpi, up to 60 seconds of video with at least 720p and/or links to references/sources.

  • No "open" letters or third-party letters will be accepted.

  • Political endorsement letters to the editor will be allowed until the Sunday before election day.

  • Send your letter to info@neusenews.com a minimum of 48 hours prior to publication date. For example, if the last day we’ll run Election 2018 letters is on Sunday, Nov. 4th, then letters need to be emailed to us by Friday, Nov. 2nd.

By sending us your letter, you acknowledge that Neuse News has the right to choose the letter’s title and to edit the letter for grammar. We will not change a letter’s content and intent.

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