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Mike Parker: My latest book taught me many lessons

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My latest book, Sprinkling Stardust: The Delights of Grandchildren, is now available on Amazon. This book is my first since I published My Wife Has All the Answers in 2002. In the nearly 20 years that have passed since the first book, I have written roughly 1,000 additional columns.

Something happened deep within me when I hit 70 last October. I heard an echo in my head reciting Psalm 90:10 – “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” I had hit the magical “three score and ten.” Was I now living on borrowed time?

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I decided to collect the columns I had written about my grandchildren and put them together in one volume. My first decision focused on organization. How could I take 24 years of columns and put them into an order that made sense? In the end, I decided to arrange the columns chronologically. The deeper I got into the project, the more this organization made sense.

I learned several additional lessons in preparing this volume for publication. First, I was embarrassed at how many errors I found in the original writings. I long ago reconciled myself to the reality that no piece of writing is ever truly finished, much less perfect. Writers aim at making their work as good as it can before the deadline. I saw a few grammatical errors. More often, I corrected faulty style. Wordiness and lack of clarity are the two biggest sins in my assessment of writing.

But I also learned some fun things. Rereading reminded me just how much and how often children eat. How many pancakes have I cooked for my grandkids? They love the way I make pancakes. Some even refused to eat parental products until parents learned from the Master’s hand.

The revision process reminded me of “The Haley Hazard” on the putt-putt course, the loquaciousness of Taylor, the Mini-Me characteristics of Courtney, and the magic that Bojangles food works on Jaxen, Laney, and Luke. I had the chance to relive trips to the zoo, visits with my mom in Ohio, and journeys to various aquariums.

These collected memories reminded me just how much I love my grandchildren – and how much they love Sandra and me. They reminded me of my grandparents and what they meant in my life.

If you are going through a period of loss and sadness, skip the first three columns about my first granddaughter, Caitlyn Faith Dixon. She died from a congenital disability before she was 14 months old. Yet, in reliving that experience, I rejoiced in the joy in knowing her. I also relived the profound sorrow of losing a grandchild. I look forward to seeing Caitlyn in heaven one day.

Throughout the quarter of a century I have written newspaper columns, the ones about my grandchildren have been the most popular. People who see me in passing often say, “I love when you write about your family, especially about your grandchildren.” That consistently positive feedback inspired me to put together this book.

I hope to do some book signings soon, and I have copies available for sale. My first book signing is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14, at Smith’s Café. Did I mention the book is available on in paperback and Kindle formats? Search by the full title: Sprinkling Stardust: The Delights of Grandchildren.

I hope sharing my experiences will help you recall the joys of grand-parenting, of parenting, and of being a grandchild.

 Mike Parker is a columnist for the Neuse News. You can reach him at

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